The Kabul branch of the faculty of stomatology was officially launched in early 2012 and admitted qualified students through an entrance exam. The lecturers of the faculty are well experienced holding Ph.D. and master’s degrees, and are specialists of their fields. Students receive their core and para-clinical courses inside the University and receive their clinical education at the clinic of the University as well as at Ghalib Cadre Hospital.
Currently, there are students learning dentistry at 5 classes (semesters 1 to 10) of the faculty. The organizational structure of the faculty includes head of the faculty, and heads of the basic Science, principles of surgical stomatology, and principles of internal stomatology departments. The structure also comprises of the academic council of the faculty.
The faculty of stomatology that aims to provide dentistry education to students has the following objectives: 1: To offer doctor of medicine (DMD) degrees with excellent and standard educations; 2: To provide state-of-the-art education in clinical and para-clinical education; 3: To make sure regularly improving the quality of higher education at the University; 4; To ensure intellectual growth and academic development of the students through theoretical and practical education and to increase their medical knowledge and skills so that they can serve their people and communities effectively;
Faculty of Stomatology
According to the long-term goal and the mission of the university, the Faculty of dental medicine or Faculty of stomatology has been founded in 2012. Since the establishment, the Faculty of dental medicine has trained a large number of dentists and scholars who are currently working in many private, public hospitals and institutions. Furthermore, the Faculty of stomatology seeks to enhance the student’s capacity and qualification, using the curriculum of Kabul Medical University and Dental Medicine Ali Abad Medical Hospital.
Along with best standards and confirmed curriculum, the Faculty of stomatology is looking forward to provide an outstanding environment to educate, enhance knowledge and serve the nation. In addition, Faculty of dental medicine seeks to adhere new developments and to serve as a global academic Faculty.
The Faculty of Stomatology seeks to provide a high-quality academic environment for students, allowing them follow their studies. On an eye to a sound and healthy society, the Faculty of stomatology wants to train medical scholars and qualified dentists to work at private and public medical sectors in local communities and region.
Strategic Plan
The Faculty of stomatology has a comprehensive and precise strategic plan, consists of goals and the most highlighted problems that students encounter, and with the direct follow-up of the chancellor and academic board, the Faculty of Stomatology always reduces these problems with best possible approaches.
Action Plan
The Faculty of stomatology has a holistic and precise yearly plan that consists all tasks to do throughout year, and to accomplish them, the university assigned the best academic board-members caring out this responsibility.
The Faculty of stomatology consists two sub departments one is Clinic department and another is Para-clinic department. As part of university’s mission, vision and strategic plans, the Faculty of stomatology attempts to increase the numbers of the departments in order to create a sustainable medical environment adhered to the best international standards.
Clinic Department
The Clinic department concerned to Faculty of stomatology at Mili Institute of Higher Education concentrates to standardize the quality of education and practical studies in both private and public hospitals, with this vision, the Faculty of clinic looks forward to serving for the entire medical community in Afghanistan.
The Clinic department at Mili institute of Higher Education, as part of its vision, seeks to use the international methodology and contemporary curriculums for respected students, aiming to provide the most comprehensive practical studies. Furthermore, the Faculty of clinic has committed to afford the most standard teaching methods, stepping ahead to fulfill by conducting online workshops and exchange programs.
Para-Clinic Department
Para-clinic department at Mili institute of Higher education is to intensify the capacity of respected students, using the advanced, standard modern methods, and with this approach, it affords to develop the medical community of Afghanistan.
Para-clinic department concerned to Faculty of dental medicine at Mili Institute of Higher education is currently working to provide the latest methodology of standard teachings and is completely ready to serve the Afghan society in medical field.
Committees of Stomatology Faculty
Since the foundation of the Faculty up to now, the Faculty of stomatology is constantly working to apply the instruction and methodology and regulations of Ministry of Higher Education, and to achieve this, the Faculty has created a number of committees such as committee of quality assurance, committee of curriculum, committee of administration and discipline, E-learning committee, committee of observing the strategic plan, committee of examination and committee of conducting the research and workshops. With exact plan, schedule, protocols, and particular members, these committees have to report the result of their activities to the academic board and dean of the Faculty.
Dental clinic of Stomatology Faculty
The Faculty of stomatology has a clinic with standard devices equipped with newest dental equipment and technology. Following the strategic plan of the university, the Faculty of Stomatology wants to accomplish its goal, providing quality education, with a comprehensive and holistic approach.
Labs of Stomatology Faculty
The Faculty of Stomatology at Mili Institute of higher education has a number of equipped laboratories during the practical classes. These labs comprises many sub sections such as Dental Clinic, Biology studies, physiology, microbiology, chemistry and biochemistry, anatomy and pathology with operational and standard. Furthermore, Mili Institute of Higher education has committed to provide both full-time job and internship at labs that are hiring the qualified students.
Library of Stomatology Faculty
Providing the most appropriate educational and academic environment is one of the university’s aim. Considering this purpose, Mili Institute of Higher Education along with Faculty of dental medicine and curative medicine, has established a new standard library related to Clinical and Para-clinical departments. The above useful facilities are always available to students.
Classes of Stomatology Faculty
Classes of Stomatology Faculty use projector and LCD during the theoretical periods. Furthermore, they use the most manageable environment, using lights and air conditioner system for students, the Faculty has sixteen classes in two separated buildings for both male and female students.
Practical classes of Stomatology Faculty
Mili Institute of Higher Education has a medical school at Yusra Medical Hospital. Also, Faculty of Stomatology has contractions with several hospitals such as Sarameyasht (Crescent) Hospital, Melat, Faisal and Yashfeen Hospitals that are intensifying the quality of practical classes. Yearly, a number of qualified students and seniors are sent to learn and develop their medical and practical knowledge and experience.
Capacity-building workshops for teachers
Foreign Language classes
Mili Institute of Higher Education regularly conducts foreign-languages classes such as Arabic and English, advancing the needed language skills of academic board and respected teachers.
Research methodology classes
As research is one of the most important part of medical studies. The academic board at Mili Institute of Higher Education has decided to provide an outstanding environment for research. Furthermore, university hires international teachers and professors who are conducting the methodology of research sessions for teachers.
Foreign scholarships for qualified teacher
As part of strategic plan, Mili institute of higher education is looking forward to sending qualified teachers to universities of foreign countries. Teachers can join short-term courses and add something to their experience through exchange programss.