Institute Ethic Committee

Institutional Ethics Committee of MIoHE

Institutional Ethics Committee of Mili Institute of Higher Education created in 2019 and working under the directorate of research and publication of MIoHE.

The aim of the IEC in the directorate of research was to protect the rights of human subjects and privacy of the people. The IEC of Mili institute is also making sure not to expose research participants to any risk.

The IEC of MIoHE also has the responsibility to weigh up different aspect of research proposals in the light of civil and Islamic law of the country and offer legal consultations to the researcher.

Functions and responsibilities of IEC

  • To review all submitted research proposals particularly, those involving human subjects.
  • The IEC has also the rights to approve or reject any research proposal prior its implementation.
  • Monitoring and offering consultation regarding research proposals to the writers and researcher.
  • To appraise the benefits and risks of the research.
  • To ensure that the consent of every human subject should be obtained before conducting the research.
  • In a whole, the IEC is responsible to make sure that all the participants involving in the research are treated ethically according to the Islamic law and civil law of the country.


Members of the IEC

The Institutional Ethics Committee of Mili Institute of Higher Education comprised of seven highly qualified members. The board has three external members and four members are selected from the permanent members of faculty.

  • Chair person
  • Vice-chair person
  • Member
  • Member
  • Member
  • Member
  • Member

Board Members