Research Program

Welcome to the Directorate of Research

Research is the backbone of every organization and society, because Research does not only explore things, but it builds knowledge and disproves lies, and supports truths.

Mili Institute of Higher Education like any other national and international organization, prioritizing research projects comprising; broad surveys, research reviews, and many other scientific and social researches.

Health research is in turn of high value and provides complementary insights for the betterment of society. concerning the importance of health research, Mili Institute of Higher Education is striving to carry out nifty and problem-based researches which contain surveys and complex analyze to ahold the feedbacks from real-world and compare and improve ideas, drugs, medical vaccines, and tens of other clinical experiences.

The research directorate of Mili institute of Higher Education presently has two main regular publication beside other research projects; Academic and Research Journal, and cultural and social magazine. Besides the journals and other publications, the research directorate is working in concert with partnered national and international organizations on multi projects of different nature.

Program Development

Program development is another focal branch of the directorate of research and Publication of Mili Institute of Higher Education which works under the umbrella of this directorate. 

The core responsibilities of the program development associate is to formulate and design research proposals and work plans for the future development of this esteem Institute.


Recently conducted researches 

The Directorate of Research and Publication has nearly 20 permanent and contractors holding Ph.D. and Master degrees and today they are busy in different projects.

The more recent researches of the directorate is “Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Survey about COIVD-19 among MIoHE Students” and “Labor rights between civil law of Afghanistan and the principles of Sharia” a comparative and analytical study.


Survey & Market Research



Data Modeling & Data Analysis